Category Archives: Winning

Getting an edge on your competition

Be patient, and BE BOLD!

I wish I could tell you stories that would turn your heart on a dime..give you the golden nugget.

It doesn’t work that way.

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If you have ANY interest in selling to anyone, you MUST think this way:

1) Take your mind OFF of the Big Company and always remind yourself of the value you offer

THIS ALONE will make you a Magnet.

2) Interact with the people at THE BIG COMPANY as if they are peers, (and they are…they are people walking on the planet just like you…same worries, same concerns, same desire to hit the lottery!)

Now, you can speak freely…


3) Look to see..IS your solution the best for them? If it is, GO FOR IT!! If it is not, at least tell them, “Thank you! I want you to get the BEST. I am not it.” OR know that YOU are the best and say so.

Then, ask for the sale. If you don’t know how to ask for the sale, email me at and we’ll work it out!

Let’s LOVE ‘EM UP!!!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Who do you think you are?

People are so quick to put themselves (and others) in a box. To define them. But, what are we to be defined by?

When I look, I see that:

I’ve been a liar, and I’ve told the truth
I’ve been a morning person, and I’ve slept in
I’ve walked, I’ve ridden, I’ve biked, I’ve taken the train
I’ve passed classes, and I’ve failed exams
I’ve loved, and I’ve hated
I’ve been generous, and I’ve been stingy
I’ve been kind, and I’ve been cruel
I’ve been loaded, and I’ve been broke
I’ve been fit, and I’ve needed to lose a few pounds
I’ve had a drink, and I’ve stayed sober
I’ve said yes when I meant “no”, and I’ve said no when I meant “no”
I’ve held on tight, and I’ve let go
I’ve stuck with it, and I’ve quit
It goes on and on like that…

There is no one thing that defines me. I am alive, living, RIGHT NOW, and I am doing what I’m doing RIGHT NOW. And it can be new and different and un-imaginable RIGHT NOW!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

GO FOR WHAT YOU WANT. You aren’t any “particular” way and no words can define you beyond your own.

Love your life UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

When you meet someone WAY more accomplished than you are…

Imagine that this person was sent to you as a REAL LIFE example of: “I can do it, so can you!!!”

I met someone today who I deeply admire and whose accomplishments I wish I had. He has been a huge success in business since he was practically a child. He rocks big and small businesses alike. He has an AWESOME family, he’s super smart, and he travels the world.

In a singular moment, my biggest accomplishments in life looked like a 5th-grade science project. I wished I had something to offer that sounded brilliant. I was dying for some validation that I was even capable of creating something amazing. I started to become discouraged. He’s got something I haven’t…

And then I stopped to consider that this is the OPPOSITE of an appropriate reaction. It’s more likely that the reason I’m talking with this amazing person is to get the message that I can do it, too! Duh!

So, I started thinking – what if I tried listening to this marvelous friend as a peer- not an underling. If I started noticing – Do I say the same kinds of things that he says? Do I have the same poise? The same confidence? The same kindness?

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I may not be able to replicate his results tomorrow, but I can certainly take tips on how he is being and acting right now.

It reminds me of the quote in the uber-suspenseful survival movie with Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin – “The Edge”. Hopkins is a VERY wealthy man in a big mess with a grizzly bear and he is freaking out. He keeps repeating to himself, “If one man can do it, so can another.” And he gets himself out! No wonder he’s so wealthy. What a great life philosophy.

So, imagine that you’re the only one counting you out! Get in!

Successful people are proof that it’s possible. Period. Now, go prove me right. Find someone successful and be like them!

Love your SUCCESS UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

On Leadership and Entrepreneurs

A little rant of mine for a Monday!

I’ve found it’s better to have someone ELSE call you a leader or an entrepreneur.

When people call themselves leaders or entrepreneurs, it makes me think they probably have no idea what they are doing and they are unemployed – and probably broke. But trying to make themselves feel better.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

If you are calling YOURSELF a leader and an entrepreneur, you are probably trying to prove something.

If you ARE a leader or an entrepreneur, you don’t even have to say it. People will know!

I’m just sayin’

Love your LIFE UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Four years ago, I lost an account….

In 2008, a valued customer packed up their bags and went singing down the road to work with another supplier.

It was a simply AWFUL experience. For some reason, their company decided it was time to re-evaluate all of their contracts and so they put our service into an evaluation process.

This customer LOVED us and we were doing a great job. But, our competition presented better than I did. When I de-briefed with my friends at the company later, they told me all of the magical things their new supplier could provide that I couldn’t. I listened. I was sad.

It wasn’t true. The new supplier couldn’t provide all they were promising and I knew it. And there wasn’t anything to say. The choice had been made.

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So, I said nothing to defend my position. I said nothing to them about the mis-information they were receiving.

I stayed in touch. I shared resources that might help. I kept them on my invitation list for Webinars with thought leaders that I knew they would enjoy. I met with them at conferences.

And, I waited.

Today, they’re BACK!!! The new supplier has not delivered and they missed us so much. It has been a joyful re-union all around.

And it’s because I kept my tongue when I wanted to scream!

If you’ve got the real deal – no matter what the product – and you KNOW you can deliver better, but they pick someone else. BE CLASSY. Hold your tongue. Be a resource. Wait.

And CELEBRATE the return!

Love your LIFE up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl


Your personal mission!

What if you judged EACH and EVERY action you took today against your personal mission in life?

How would you go about getting to work on time? Dealing with your customers?

Would you have THAT conversation with your boss? Would you play that many games on your computer?

What do you want to leave behind?

Here’s who I tip my hat to – among many others. I believe that Vidette V lives nearly every action inside of her mission to help moms leave the corporate world and create their VERY OWN epic revolution.

I believe that T.Harv Eker spends every action based on if it forwards what he REALLY wants – wealth and abundance for ALL.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

If YOU were living your personal mission and EVERY ACTION you took was a match for achieving it….how FUN would your day be? What would you add in? What would you take out?

Be a MONSTER for your mission (Maybe you need to create one first – DO THIS).

Love your LIFE UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Just another Monday? What kind of week will it be?

Let’s do something a little new on THIS Monday.

Let’s imagine that THIS is the week that something incredibly magical happens. Something UNEXPECTED, but it shifts everything forever. THIS is the week you sit next to that person on the train who gives you the key you’ve been looking for.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

It is the check that arrives that you had no idea – but allows you to take your business to an entirely new level.
It is the deal you will close that puts the whole year off-the-charts!

Be on the lookout. It’s easy to miss miracles if you’re not paying close attention.

Love life UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Tell it like it is!

Today, I delivered a presentation to a group of about 20 people with a MAJOR CORPORATION!!!

Even with fourteen people on the line, it was important to reach everyone….and each of them ONLY wants to know what I can deliver FOR REAL and how I will help meet THEIR goals.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

At the end of the call, one person said “THANK YOU for telling us what you CAN’T do. Everyone else pretends that they can do it all…and they can’t…It’ refreshing to talk with someone who tells it the way it is.”

I think I might actually WIN this accout! If I don’t, I know that they got the straight truth and even THEY will refer me….even if they don’t buy. INCREDIBLE!!!

Love your peeps UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Remember, people want to be proud of their decisions!

This is an especially important message for people who sell products/services that require a lengthy contracting/procurement process.

Once your contact has said “yes” – YOUR JOB BECOMES EVEN MORE IMPORTANT.

This could apply to a person buying a fleet of construction vehicles from you all the way to a Mary Kay consultant booking a party with a hostess for two weeks in the future.

Here’s why your job becomes SO important.

Now, YOUR BUYER’S reputation and personal “brand” is on the line  –  which makes them VERY NERVOUS. In between the “yes” and the completed event (purchase, party, etc), they need to keep remembering that they made a great decision.

Throughout the entire process you want your buyer to feel GREAT about their decision.

Here are some tried and true ideas. Set up weekly calls with your buyer to give them tools that they can put in place NOW to help them hit the ground running when the contract is finally signed – or the event is happening.

Send CELEBRATION emails of victories that other clients are having by using your products/services. Send PR News Releases about your own company that put you in a positive light.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Direct your buyer to resources on your website that they will find interesting –  possibly a blog post. Talk to them about the keynote speech that your CMO delivered at the latest conference.

Find ways to keep congratulating your buyer on making a great decision and you will have a happy ongoing relationship – fruitful with referrals, upsells, and trust.

Love ’em up!