Category Archives: Winning

Getting an edge on your competition

Guilty Pleasures

Yesterday, I had just HAD ENOUGH! I had been working to just “kill it” all week! I was TIRED!

So, I spent all day Sunday watching episode after episode of “Sex and the City” in my pajamas. Eating whatever I could scrounge from the refrigerator. I turned my phone off. I didn’t shower OR brush my teeth. I didn’t talk to anybody. I went to bed early. I did not do my laundry.

I tell you this for a very important reason. It is not because I am proud of this little episode.

It’s just I RARELY hear successful people tell you what they do when they are just being slugs. I guess I always thought that really successful people aren’t ever slugs.

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I have imagined that their downtime is spent on exotic vacations to Caribbean resorts. It is all planned and perfect. They go for an energizing run! They read an inspiring book! They do somethiing positive and productive.

SO, I have ALSO made up that they are more successful than I am because they are never slugs. I am tired of having those thoughts in my head.

I’m going out on a limb here. But, I’m betting that these REALLY SUCCESSFUL people have all sorts of guilty little pleasures that they’re JUST NOT SAYING. If you have similar thoughts (like THOSE PEOPLE are doing it right, which is why I can’t do it.) I invite you to think again.

I also invite some of you REALLY SUCCESSFUL people to start sharing the deep and dark secrets. Before I hear about your FABULOUS organize-your-office, write your plans, set your intentions, make the bold calls, eat the frog first…I want you to tell me the truth about what you do when you just shut it all down! That gives me access to something real!

So, ready to dive in and tell the Truth? I am! I want to hear how it REALLY is for you!

Love all of YOU UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

REALLY great salespeople, employees, people view themselves…

….as the CEO of their own company!

I am clear that if I do not do my job, the people in my company don’t eat, don’t feed their children, don’t provide health insurance to their loved ones.

THAT is what it means to be the CEO…you view the WHOLE of your impact.

Great accountants know this. They provide a solid ground to walk on.

Great attorneys know this. They provide clarity and protection.

Great receptionists know this. They are the brand of the  company.

Great salespeople know this. They know that they feed and clothe everyone in their company.

WAKE UP! What you are doing is CRITICALLY important!

When you “show up”, everyone around you wins! (This includes you)

When you “phone it in”, it may not seem important in the moment, but it matters beyond what you can imagine (To YOURSELF especially – now, you are someone who “phones it in” – not someone who GOES FOR IT –  just sayin’)

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

NOW, what do you see about your current job…more important…what do you see is possible?

Love your life UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Does “Love” matter in a Fortune 25 Relationship?

Today I met with my client. An executive of a Fortune 25 company.

Together, for the last 12 months, we have been working to make sure their programs work (the ones I sold them).

It has been an uphill battle. They signed on with my company in good faith. They wanted our product (and needed our product). My key contact has taken a stand that my service will work in her company – despite management changes and priority shifts (anyone who works in Fortune 500 knows that this is standard – everything changes on a dime).

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

My client took a risk with us. There were glitches at the beginning that, frankly, put her job at risk.

But, she got in touch with me, and my company fulfilled (and in some cases, over-fulfilled) on her expectations.

Turns out, we have been able to TRIPLE results! YAY!

Today, I had coffee with my client. Her job is going great. Her boss is now impressed. We shared a couple of personal stories.

At the end of our meeting, we hugged and she said, “I love you, dear!”

Can a Fortune 25 person say “I love you” to a salesperson? Turns out, the answer is “YES”, if you’ve fulfilled what meant the most to her and her and her position!

Can men share this sentiment? I hope so!

But, today, I got an “I love you” hug from a Fortune 25 executive. And I am happy!

Love your clients UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

The 5 hours of Doubt!

This week, a professional consultant told me that my business will never work

I spent most of yesterday mourning my demise. Relegated to a job. Not able to make my dreams come true.

Then, The Irreverent Sales Girl came to me and said, “REALLY? REALLY? You are going to GIVE UP NOW? REALLY?”

SO, I picked myself up… got in touch with people who love me …


I don’t care how long you have been putting aside your dreams or who tells you that you can’t have it. Get back on the horse! NOW! It takes courage… and you have it.

Love your challenges UP! (It’s not easy)

The Irreverent Sales Girl

I hesitate to do this, please forgive me!

For three-and-a-half years now, you have been coming to my site for inspiration and resources. And love. And permission to be you….

Tonight, I am going to step outside of what I normally do…I am going to recommend that you BUY something. Aaaarrrgggh….you think…NOT YOU! I trusted you!

Yet, I have examined this curriculum, the price…I have personally met the people… Additionally, I MAKE NO MONEY if you participate.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

This stuff is really good.

I believe that you should put 3% of your income aside for education (Personally, I put 10% aside). This could fit into your professional development budget!

And this is some of the best stuff around.

Please check out and pick the teleseminar that is best for you. (I especially recommend Anthony Iannarinao – WHOA). You will NOT be disappointed (and if you are you can tell me).

I am also committed to the success of the most profound leaders in the sales industry…the ones who want to bring a Dash of Dignity to the Art of Selling…THIS MISSION is important to me. I’m just sayin’

Thank you for trusting me.


The Irreverent Sales Girl

Did I not ask for enough?


I have the most amazing people in my life (you). No, really YOU, the one reading this. The one sitting in your chair!

I want things. I want success. I want connections. I want love.

Today, I learned something.

I consider myself to be a busy person. (HA! Go read the rant by Redhead Writing about this: (

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

At any rate, today a very good friend asked me to help out a new up-and-comer. In the face of being so “busy’, I spent a good portion of my night connecting this person (who I’ve never even met) with some of my most important peeps. It may come to nothing. Yet, it was worth the shot!

I realized…I WANT TO DO STUFF for people. I want to make a difference.

And then I realized…WOW! I really need help getting to where I want to be…and people keep saying..WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? I WILL HELP YOU!

Get the paradox here? I want to help, but I don’t know how to ask for it!

I am limited by my inability to ask for help.

Game on!

I challenge you (and me) to embarrass yourself asking for the help you want.

Even the BIBLE says “Ask and you shall receive”. Do I listen? NO!

Maybe at the heart of us, each of us knows that we only matter if we made a difference for someone else.

So, allow people to make a difference with me. That’s what I will do.

And you?

What do you REALLY want? Are you willing to ask for help?

Love your doubts UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

How do you engage someone in ways they never imagined?

I was attending a conference session headed up by a very interesting organization called Care2 (Make a Difference) at I do NOT condone every one of their messages, but they solidified something for me.

Care2 postulates that if you have a business that satisfies 6 Basic Human Needs, you have got a winner!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I was thrilled. First, I already work to incorporate all of them – AND it gave me ideas for getting even better. I am thinking about painting these 6 key words on my office wall to remind me (and all those who work with me) to fulfill these needs in every interaction. Ready? Here they are:

1) Significance: Day-In-and-Day-Out, I make sure that EVERY person who interacts with me is acknowledged publicly. Think I can’t keep it up? TRY ME!

2) Connection: People have a deep desire to feel connected – to a person, a brand, a company, a vision. I work HARD to provide pathways to this. I will never stop!

3) Contribution: People are DYING to make a difference. I am so grateful that YOU make a difference with me. It is my goal to demonstrate publicly the difference you make and the contribution you are to my life, to others’ lives, and to all of your communities.

4) Certainty: People want to know what to expect when they listen to my messages.I believe they expect Dignity, Irreverence, Inspiration, and something that reminds them of who they are. I work very hard on this quality. The Irreverent Sales Girl does not swear and rarely disparages – UNLESS you are so totally off base that disparging you is the only avenue I can see (*grin*).

5) Variety: The yin to the yang of Certainty. (Or is it the other way around?) In any case, people want to be Surprised and Delighted. They like a twist. They want something a little unexpected. This is why I stay FAR away from “warmed over porridge” otherwise known as sappy platitudes. There is plenty of that everywhere else.

6) Growth: People want an opportunity to grow. Everything I offer is designed for exactly that. So that I can grow and hopefully offer something that inspires you to grow, too! If we do not all grow together, I’ll likely get left behind! No GOOD!

Feel free to steal these tenets if you’d like. I stole them after all! I think they are amazing!

Let’s go forth and give people what they want!

Love your work UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl



I was asking my friend today why people care about what I have to say. I was very  interested because, truth be told, I am FATALLY FLAWED in ways I cannot even begin to count – and in many cases, still not willing to share! HA!

I am un-organized, I lack follow-through, I am sometimes extremely selfish and very stingy with my love. I’m pretty sure I am way behind all of you in success. I am a “preacher” and I lack the confidence to be vulnerable. It all keeps me very small.

Yet, there was something she said that hit the mark. She told me that I am INFECTIOUS! I love people. I love them NOW, in the moment. I never say never and I never give up – until it’s time to give up, of course.

INFECTIOIUS … she says. I can see that! I like to light other people’s fires and see them shine. I like to get excited about what I have to say and what you have to say. I like to say “yes” and let the chips fall where they may.

Today, I was on the phone with a company who is going to sign a contract with me. (I sell into Fortune 500 companies, as a rule…to set some context). When they told me that they were ready to move forward, I let out a tiny “yay” and said, “I’m jumping” (and I was – I was jumping in my office). This CRACKED THEM UP and they generously countered with…”as happy as you are, we are 10 times happier…this is going to solve our major problems”. It was a magical moment.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

So, I’m literally terrible at many many things. Yet, I am JUST LOVELY at one very important thing. I am INFECTIOUS!

The moral of the story is not that YOU need to be infectious (although, I suspect you are more than you know if you would simply let go from time-to-time). I think the moral of the story is BE WHO YOU REALLY ARE. Show your passion for what you love. The hardest one…BE VULNERABLE. If you have the time to watch this marvelous TED talk on being vulnerable…it will rock your world.

Today, I am VERY grateful for those of you who are engaged in the conversations I am having with you. I have few followers, but you are MIGHTY and interested and wildly INTERESTING.

That’s what matters to me.

Not hundreds of thousands of followers, but people who are really out to accomplish something and provide something even if they can’t see why or how…just ‘cuz they are called to do it. I am in a powerful community and I am grateful for you.

NOW.. Let’s go be INFECTIOUS. Are you in?

Ask and You Shall Receive … A lovely guest post from Kira Geairn

I just started my first retail job and went into it thinking it was going to be a breeze. How hard could selling shoes possibly be? Turns out, harder than I thought. My first real day (i.e. after my training day) I had a goal of selling $600. After five hours I hadn’t even come close! I finished the day with under $200 in sales.

Pretty pathetic, huh?

The second day I went in with pretty low expectations but decided that I was going to try opening up more. I started approaching people more often and asking other employees or my managers when I needed help. I even gave a client to someone else because I was too busy helping other people.

I ended up selling $615 when my goal was only $400.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

The biggest differences? Asking for help. Trying to be independent or self-sufficient will only go so far.

It’s a lesson I’ve been learning this year all over the place and one that I’ve been fighting pretty hard. But the adage “Ask and you shall receive” is rapidly becoming my mantra. Good things will only come to those who ASK for them!

So whether you’re a CEO or a shoe salesman, SUCCESS is only available to those who ask.

From ISG: Great work, Kira.

Love your peeps UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Why “Can I?” is such a bad habit

So often when we confront something we want to do … our first thought is “Can I?”

“Can I afford it?” “Can I physically handle it?” “Can I make it work with my schedule?”

I wonder where we learned this. Whose permission are we asking anyway? When we were kids were we so trained in learning to ask “Can I?” that it just STUCK!

WHAT IF we were trained to ask “How can I?”

“Hey, Mom! HOW CAN I get you to agree to have Nicky over for dinner tonight?”

“Hey, Teacher! HOW CAN I get an extra 15 minutes of recess today?”

“Hey, Dad. HOW CAN I get the family to Disneyland this summer?”

What would your life look like NOW if you were trained THAT WAY.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Today, In invite you to pretend that you WERE trained that way. Like anything is possible, you’ve just got to find out how and don’t stop asking until you do! Maybe you’ll start by giving YOURSELF permission in the first place.


Today could be a MIRACLE DAY for you!

Love yourself UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl