Category Archives: Winning

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Hidden Mysteries Week – The Formula for Wealth Part III

Hidden Mysteries Week - via Dan Brown and The Lost SymbolThis week, we are exploring Dan Brown’s hidden formula for wealth (as interpreted by me) in his Best Selling book The Lost Symbol (you can read yesterday’s post to get caught up).

Yesterday, we explored the progression we uncovered that says: P→P→P→W

Today we’ll consider that the hidden formula is actually closer to P+P+P=W

Although, I think the real fun comes tomorrow!

Instead of the very linear, and obvious progression that we could glean from Peter Solomon’s wise words to his son, Zachary, as he passes along the family fortune – let’s look into something a little deeper. Something that resembles the concept of SYNERGY – when the outcome is greater than the sum of its parts.

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So, in this formula, when I combine Productivity, Prosperity, and Philanthropy, they become Wealth – greater than the sum of its parts. Each one inextricable from the equation.

A tad ho-hum? Perhaps. But, we’ll finish with the punch line tomorrow. Can you see it?

In the meantime, I’m going to go work on the Productivity part of the equation. What IS it about summertime?

Love your life UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Hidden Mysteries Week – The Formula for Wealth Part II

Hidden Mysteries Week - via Dan Brown and The Lost SymbolThis week, we are exploring Dan Brown’s hidden formula for wealth (as interpreted by me) in his Best Selling book The Lost Symbol (you can read yesterday’s post to get caught up).

First, we said we would explore the progression we uncovered that says: P→P→P→W

This is the most obvious of the three we will discuss

In simple language, the more productive I am, the more prosperous I am likely to become, which gives me more ability to be philanthropic (or to find ways to contribute). 

When I am productive, which leads to prosperity, I am able to give more away – then I have truly become WEALTHY.

This progression is linear and does not require much thinking. However, it is also intellectual and does not do much to create a NEW paradigm for me.

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It is obvious, but not compelling.

In fact, some COULD argue that this progression is more of an argument for W→P→P→P. If I am already wealthy, it allows me to be more productive, more prosperous, and more philanthropic. So, it really doesn’t do us much good.

The moral of The Lost Symbol story turns out to be that the Ancient Mysteries of Life are hidden in plain view…

…and available in many Universal texts, philosophies, and practices, including Alchemy, Astrology, Kabbalah, Christianity, Buddhism…among many others.

Just as the words of those works can be read at face value – with very little impact on the reader, so can our equation for wealth be read at face value. But, if we look a little deeper (which we will do over the next couple of days) a new paradigm can start to arise.

Do you see it?

I can not wait to hear your thoughts!

Love your hidden secrets UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Hidden Mysteries Week – The Formula for Wealth

I’m just finishing Dan Brown’s book The Lost Symbol. What a page turner!Hidden Mysteries Week - via Dan Brown and The Lost Symbol

As expected, this tale includes Dan’s crazy and potent method of story-telling: Page Turning Thrilling Events, Secret Societies, Government Conspiracies, Near Death Impossible Situations, Symbology, to name a few.

And, as always, Hidden Secrets in Plain Sight

I am not sure that Dan meant to hide the secret of true wealth in plain sight in this book, but I think he did a phenomenal job.

We are privy to a compelling scene; one where a wealthy and powerful man, Peter Solomon, is passing a substantial portion of the family fortune to his newly-minted eighteen-year-son. The family passes inheritances at the BEGINNING of life since they intend the gift to be a seed…a seed for the young person “to nurture, make grow, and use to help nourish mankind”.

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As he hands his son his “birthright”, he worries – [paraphrase] – “Wealth in the hands of a wise man will be a blessing to the world. Wealth in the hands of a foolish man will destroy him.” (This is NOT the secret, we ALL know that).

Then, Peter passes along the formula for TRUE WEALTH

Peter then speaks the true legacy of his extraordinary family to his son, Zachary. As he passes the portfolio he clarifies:  “The aim is that you use this money to build a life of productivity, prosperity, and philanthropy.”

This phrase struck a longing inside of me

“Gee, I wish I had that kind of wealth.” And then it occurred to me. Maybe Peter has laid out a FORMULA by which you obtain extraordinary wealth!?


So, I started mapping it out

This week, we will be exploring the pathway to success that becomes illuminated by this hidden formula, which we will explore in three ways:

First, we will explore the progression P →P→P→W

Then, we will discuss P + P + P = W

And finally, we will consider that, really, P3 = W

Any ideas where this conversation is going? What do YOU see?

More tomorrow!

Love your life UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

The seduction technique…an age-old winner!

Are you more attracted to that woman you can’t get, the one who makes it seem like it’s all available The seduction age-old winner! to you, but you’re not sure you’re up to the challenge? Or are you interested in the woman who STALKS you? (Fill in gender as it makes sense for your situation!)

People want what INTRIGUES them!

And they run away from things that chase them.

Find a way to attract your customer!

Very few of us have a product that we are not willing to sell to just anyone who’s willing to buy it. Fair enough. But, I invite you to think a little bit differently.

Where does your product or service become available to only the “exclusive” ones?

I have a very good friend who is a wildly successful representative of a Brand-Name investment group.

When she sells her product like any old investor can come work with her, she grinds it out and doesn’t get many interesting and cool clients.

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When she positions herself as if “Are you the kind of investor we would take? Worthy of our services?” business sky-rockets.

Take a look. How can you make YOUR customers feel like they are in the pool with the “cool kids”? Figuring this out is your ticket to unquestionable wealth.

When you DO get the “cool kids” to sign on, make sure you service the hell out of them and let them know that they are the “in-crowd”. They will be references for you like crazy.

CAVEAT: To do this strategy well, you must be three things:

1) The best at what you do
2) Relentless in delivering an experience once someone has climbed on board
3) Make sure your “cool kids” stay the “cool kids”. Keep reminding them that they are in THAT game!

Ready to seduce? I promise you, it is much more effective than chasing.

(Remember prom?)

Love your “cool kids” UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

If you ain’t buyin’ it, they aren’t either!

Even the BEST salespeIf you ain't buyin' it, they aren't eitherrson in the world can’t sell just ANYTHING.

Take for example, my very good friend. He loves the product he sells and there are some add-ons that make sense for the right buyer.

But, there is one service his company offers that he thinks just ISN’T worth the price. Now, his fellow salespeople can sell this service with ease. AND the support team recommends it as a way to guarantee success.

He just can’t seem to spit the words out of his mouth. “This service is important AND it costs THIS much!”

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So, guess what! He never sells that service. At a huge cost to his company, himself, and sometimes a dis-service to his client.

What did he do?

He started talking with people who USE this service and started to see the value for himself.

Now, he can sell that service to the right people with ease.

And the house, can I tell you about the house?

A wealthy friend of mine has an absolutely beautiful and unique property to sell. It is in the millions. It is spectacular.

it has been on the market for FOUR YEARS.

Turns out that the house just “isn’t his agent’s style”. She can’t sell it. Why? She doesn’t “buy” it.

The owners are re-listing with an agent who “gets it”, AND raising the price to match the special nature of this property.

Guess what!

I bet it gets snatched right up!

Moral of the story

If you can’t “see” it selling, you won’t be able to sell it.

Either stop pretending that you can or will OR get interested in WHY someone can or will.

Love it UP!

The irreverent Sales Girl


Fake it ’til you make it?

Fake it 'til you make it?When I was first getting started building my Investment Management business, I was terrified of meeting with clients. I had the education. I felt confident that I could help, but I was afraid to ask for the business. I was afraid I could not connect with the customers.

What to do about my insecurities?

So, I came up with this great idea. I was a big fan of Law & Order at the time. It was when Angie Harmon was on the show playing a no-nonsense, beautiful, composed attorney. She always kept her cool and she always had it together. And, she looked great doing it!

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I decided I would “be” Angie Harmon in every meeting. I dressed the part and I acted just like she would in all of the conversations.

It worked like a charm.

Every meeting I walked in with the confidence and poise of Angie Harmon. I listened like she did. I spoke calmly and clearly just like she always did.

I constituted myself as someone successful. And people responded.

People opened up to me and I found it easy to take my time to hear what they wanted and make solid recommendations. Then, I confidently opened the conversation to ask for the business. I calmly pulled out the paperwork at the right time. And the prospects became clients over 80% of the time – in the first meeting.

Find the person who you can “be” to take your business to the next level. Maybe it’s James Bond, or Cat Woman, or a mentor. Put yourself aside and act the part.

Soon, it will start to come naturally! And you will be who you wanted to be and enjoy the same success!

Love your icons UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

“How to be the best version of you…” SERIOUSLY???

"How to be the best version of yourself" SERIOUSLY???Alright, my lovelies, I must prepare you for a rant.

The title of my blog post tonight was the subject line of an email I got today.


Yes. We all need to invest a bit from time-to-time in ourselves. But, PLEASE…how many people are trying to sell me stuff about being the best version of me? Promises unkept. Time wasted. Money thrown down the tubes.

Please remember who you REALLY are…

You don’t need someone’s “warmed-over-porridge” advice about how to do common sense things to make your life work.

You know if you’re doing the right things. You know when you aren’t. And you also know how to ask, in your darkest hours, for the things you desire. Don’t give them away to posers.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Inside, you know your calling and your purpose

Follow that! Be brave enough to follow that and stop being distracted by thinking others know more than you about how your life is to play out.

I am taking my own advice tonight

I have three things to do this year in my business:

1) Close my quota
2) Write my book
3) Earn my income goal

That is all

I may win, lose, or draw, but I will not be distracted by people trying to tell me how to be the “best version of me”. How would they know?

Did anyone know how to tell Madonna, Michael Jordan, or Lincoln (as examples) how to be the Best Version of Them? I guarantee they would have gotten it wrong.

Go boldly forth …

and be exactly who you know you are called to be.

Love your own path UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

A Guest Post by Little Ol’ Me on Selling Fearlessly!

A Guest Post by Little Ol' me on Selling FearlesslyI am delighted to announce that Robert Terson has agreed to allow me to guest post on his site today.

While you’re over there, take a look around. Robert has some STELLAR articles with some great stories.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

What do you think of THAT?

Love it UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

I am going to really annoy some people here…

I am going to annoy some people hereThe more I read about sales “techniques” and “strategies”, the more I want to SCREAM!

Please (to the professional trainers) do NOT diminish my world into:

Acronyms like WHOOSH Selling and FEAR Selling and OUCH Selling (all fictitious)- as if there is a reliable formula.

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Please stop preaching. Please tell me your stories. Please start telling me what you’ve experienced. In a way that mirrors the palpable, terrifying, satisfying experience of TRULY being in sales – and gives me insights to be GREAT on my own – with my OWN techniques and ideas.

Please stop acting as if you know it all. You don’t.

Please be a humble resource to me.

Love it all UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

The unlikely celebrity…YOU!

The Unlikely Celebrity ... YOU! Wanna be a celebrity?

(Of course you do!)

Here’s my observance….

We THINK that the people who are celebrities were somehow “meant to be” iconic celebrities.

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But, it’s not that way.

People FIND their own particular passion..and then they do it with NO reticence.

They find their own passion and then they do it with NO reticence.

They give up anything “safe” and they are ONLY them … at any cost.

And then they become fabulously famous!

Are you ready to BE ONLY YOU?

What will it cost? (Everything! It will be worth it).

Love your celebrity UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl