Category Archives: Top Ten Principles of Selling

Keeping the wolves at bay

Keeping the wolves at bay…

I have had a client for a long, long time. They are a signature client and many other clients come on board with me because of THEM! They are important to my past, present, and future success.

Recently, they decided that they wanted to start looking around at other options. New, sexy, exciting, (unproven) options! They have included me in the process and are giving me the chance to stay in the game with them.

Tomorrow, I present to their team – and here’s why I’m 90% positive I am going to keep the relationship…because every chance I get, I talk to them about all the great things we’ve been able to do together over the years. We have a PARTNERSHIP. When THEY wanted to make a big, unprecedented splash in their industry, I was there. IT was awesome. When they wanted to expand their reach, I was there, we have results to show for it. When they wanted to support new markets, I was there and it made a huge difference.

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But, if I weren’t communicating these wins with them (like a walk down memory lane), then it’s easy for them to forget when something new and sparkly shows up on the scene. It’s why I am going to keep this business (they even let ME select the position I wanted in the order of presentations. I picked LAST, of course).

The principles I’m talking about are easy to apply in any industry. They go like this:

When you get a new client

Send at least a handwritten thank you note, if not a gift. AND thank the person who sent them to you. This works with selling cars, furniture, appliances, real estate, mortgages, farming equipment, office supplies … ANYTHING.

When you have had a client for awhile

Check in to see how they are using your products. Has anything changed in their life? What is coming up that you should know about?  If you are a car dealer, you will find out that a daughter is about to turn 16 and a new car is in order (probably for mom and dad, but a new car, nonetheless). If you are in furniture, you will find that a baby is on the way, or that an aging couple is moving to a smaller place and needs help with the new setting.

When you have had a client for a few “seasons”

Send tokens of appreciation and schedule a coffee, simply to “walk down memory lane”. If you are in real estate, you can reminisce about how far that couple has come from their “first home buyer” experience to upgrading to a home for babies and for helping the first child get their first home. If you are in appliances, you can chortle about the surprise new range that he bought for his wife on their fifth anniversary.

The point

The point is…if you want to have a successful book of business that builds on itself, you will keep it personal and you will remind your clients of the partnership you have developed over the years.  This may seem like a lot of work, but BELIEVE ME…the repeat business and referrals you will receive FAR OUTWEIGH the cost and effort it takes to keep getting NEW clients.

Love the partnership UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

What I learned from Galaga this week

Have you ever played Galaga (the video game)?

I LOVE that game. Haven’t played in years.

This weekend, I went to a resort in the Smoky Mountains that had the vintage game Galaga! YAY! I was so happy.

I started playing. I was having a blast. Playing and playing and then…something interesting happened.

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I started approaching the HIGH SCORE! YAY! I was going to beat that high score. WOW! The first time EVER I was going to be on the screen for being the HIGH SCORE.

So, what did I do? I started playing the game with an eye on the score…and GUESS WHAT!

GAME OVER at 10 POINTS UNDER the high score. Aaaaargh!

Isn’t that just how it goes? You are playing like a winner and THEN you look at the score and GAME OVER.

I played another game after that and came nowhere near my first score. Then, I just turned the game off.

The lesson? Keep your eye on playing. Let the score INFORM you, but keep your eye on the game.

When I am being my best and doing everything I know to make my customer happy, game on! When I calculate against what someone else has done or the “score” I am hoping to achieve…it comes to a DEAD STOP!

Love the game UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

A funny little story about Uranium

You’re familiar with Uranium, right? That lovely little radioactive substance?

Funny thing about Uranium. It has a very specific rate at which its radioactivity decays. It has a precise half-life and, so far, has never been known to vary.

Here’s the crazy thing…If you watch Uranium under a microscope…it will not decay. No matter how long you watch. You can watch and watch and watch. No decay. BUT, as soon as you leave the microscope to do the dishes or grab a nap or something, when you come back to take a peek at the little guy it is EXACTLY as decayed as you would expect it to be given the precise half-life and all that jazz.

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Sounds like that BIG DEAL you keep waiting to close, doesn’t it? You watch and watch and watch it. You poke at it. You hold your breath. You make promises to a higher power. You fret. Then, just when you go talk with some other customer, start doing other work…BOOM! It slides right in. Deal closed.

See what I’m sayin’ here?

Love all the deals UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl


Repeat after me: You’re welcome.

You have NO idea how important this one phrase is.

Ponder it.

Get back to me.

Do you get it? (Most don’t)

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Love acknowledgment UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

How do you engage someone in ways they never imagined?

I was attending a conference session headed up by a very interesting organization called Care2 (Make a Difference) at I do NOT condone every one of their messages, but they solidified something for me.

Care2 postulates that if you have a business that satisfies 6 Basic Human Needs, you have got a winner!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I was thrilled. First, I already work to incorporate all of them – AND it gave me ideas for getting even better. I am thinking about painting these 6 key words on my office wall to remind me (and all those who work with me) to fulfill these needs in every interaction. Ready? Here they are:

1) Significance: Day-In-and-Day-Out, I make sure that EVERY person who interacts with me is acknowledged publicly. Think I can’t keep it up? TRY ME!

2) Connection: People have a deep desire to feel connected – to a person, a brand, a company, a vision. I work HARD to provide pathways to this. I will never stop!

3) Contribution: People are DYING to make a difference. I am so grateful that YOU make a difference with me. It is my goal to demonstrate publicly the difference you make and the contribution you are to my life, to others’ lives, and to all of your communities.

4) Certainty: People want to know what to expect when they listen to my messages.I believe they expect Dignity, Irreverence, Inspiration, and something that reminds them of who they are. I work very hard on this quality. The Irreverent Sales Girl does not swear and rarely disparages – UNLESS you are so totally off base that disparging you is the only avenue I can see (*grin*).

5) Variety: The yin to the yang of Certainty. (Or is it the other way around?) In any case, people want to be Surprised and Delighted. They like a twist. They want something a little unexpected. This is why I stay FAR away from “warmed over porridge” otherwise known as sappy platitudes. There is plenty of that everywhere else.

6) Growth: People want an opportunity to grow. Everything I offer is designed for exactly that. So that I can grow and hopefully offer something that inspires you to grow, too! If we do not all grow together, I’ll likely get left behind! No GOOD!

Feel free to steal these tenets if you’d like. I stole them after all! I think they are amazing!

Let’s go forth and give people what they want!

Love your work UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl


Ask and You Shall Receive … A lovely guest post from Kira Geairn

I just started my first retail job and went into it thinking it was going to be a breeze. How hard could selling shoes possibly be? Turns out, harder than I thought. My first real day (i.e. after my training day) I had a goal of selling $600. After five hours I hadn’t even come close! I finished the day with under $200 in sales.

Pretty pathetic, huh?

The second day I went in with pretty low expectations but decided that I was going to try opening up more. I started approaching people more often and asking other employees or my managers when I needed help. I even gave a client to someone else because I was too busy helping other people.

I ended up selling $615 when my goal was only $400.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

The biggest differences? Asking for help. Trying to be independent or self-sufficient will only go so far.

It’s a lesson I’ve been learning this year all over the place and one that I’ve been fighting pretty hard. But the adage “Ask and you shall receive” is rapidly becoming my mantra. Good things will only come to those who ASK for them!

So whether you’re a CEO or a shoe salesman, SUCCESS is only available to those who ask.

From ISG: Great work, Kira.

Love your peeps UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

If you want to be bold…

Remember who you REALLY are…what you came here to accomplish!

Please think about your life this way. What do you want to leave behind?

It may seem morbid, but it’s not!

Go forth as if you could not possibly lose!

Take risks!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Get what you get … and then go from there.


I’m just sayin’


The Irreverent Sales Girl

Winning an unwinnable game!

What is your goal right now?

Do you see a clear pathway? Or, does it seem impossible?

Do not worry.

If it is really your goal, the answer is simple.

Decide to achieve it and then give yourself NO alternative EXCEPT to achieve it.

If you feel that you don’t want to play it ALL OUT, consider that it’s not your REAL goal. Go find one that takes everything you’ve got – that IS worthy of your life!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Then watch all the magic that shows up to help you get there. You’ll be amazed!

Love your dreams up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight!

Have some FUN with your life!

When someone says “yes” Do a little dance.

EVERY DAY, bring some love into you conversations!


Watch the deals flow in!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:


Love ’em up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

WOW! This is spot on! The five mistakes to avoid…

Brian Tracy has done it again. If you only take on these five things, you will be wildly successful. It might take some work, but is WAY worth it! I can tell you that I employ all of these things well (except sometimes the extreme empathy stuff – work to do there) and it is right on.

Enjoy! It’s an easy read:

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Love ’em up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl