Category Archives: Top Ten Principles of Selling

Geez, Oh PEET! What a panic!

What a Panic! I had a GREAT BIG call today with one of the Elephants I am tracking.

We seem to be getting so close, yet we are HEAD-TO-HEAD with a fierce and competent competitor.

It’s all I’ve been able to think about lately.

I’ve been getting ATTACHED. 

I realized this during my workout today. Here I am enjoying a nice peaceful morning on the Elliptical and all I can think about is this PANIC I am having about landing this elephant.


And then, I thought, “What Would the Irreverent Sales Girl Do?”

And, it came to me. She would

1) Relax – all the prep is done, the meeting is prepared, all the right people are attending
2) Realize that I am offering the best solution (I really am)
3) Trust that they are smart and capable of getting what they need and not being bamboozled by me or others
4) Remember to focus not only on the elephant, but also on all the great business that is trying to close
5) Remember that if I do not close this deal, it doesn’t mean I can’t reach my highest goals – it is all working in my favor
5) BREATHE – and enjoy the exercise

I took her advice (*wink*)

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I went into the meeting calm, in control, committed, professional. I let THEM talk.

They said all the right things. They even said “wow” a couple of times. I could hear their heads nodding.

They make their decision on Tuesday

It will be us or it will be them. Either way I am going to CRUSH it this year. Because that is what I am committed to. This deal is one of many.

Love yourself UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl


Love ’em up!

Love 'em UP!I get comments from time-to-time – people ask me – “What does that even mean? ‘Love ’em up!’?”

Here’s what it means in short.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

As a salesperson, you will do WAY better when you love your support staff, your managers, and your customers UP!

As a spouse, you will do WAY better when you love your spouse, children, in-laws UP!

As a business owner, you will do WAY better to love your peers, your advisors, (and even sometimes your competition) UP!

When you love ’em UP! – you come from your most awesomesauce self. And then, magic starts to happen.

Love ’em UP! = MAGIC for everybody.

That is all.

Love ’em UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

HELP! How do YOU manage business travel?

I just got back to my office from a week of business travel.

Some of the meetings I had were VERY worth it – but there was a lot of “wasted” time.

In all of the years of selling, I have never figured out how to keep all of the balls in the air. Getting home, I am a teensy bit overwhelmed.

So, I want to hear. How do YOU keep the routines moving and catch up when you are back?

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Please, go to and log your advice.

Love the challenges UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Let’s cut to the C**P, shall we? You wanna be #1?

OK, I very rarely invite untoward language…

But, here it is…

On a call with Gary Hart today ( I spoke with a man who has BEEN selling his whole life.

(HINT: you may be listening to sales “experts”, but check it out – Have they sold ANYTHING beyond themselves?)


Yes! You haven’t been listening to people who have DONE sales, you have been listening to people who have “studied” sales. You have been listening for people who need YOU to succeed, so that THEY can succeed.

That is why it doesn’t work. NOT FOR YOU.

At any rate, I was talking with Gary (and we can arrange a joint conversation, if you have the courage to ask)…and we boiled it down. If you want to be a top salesperson there are two things to do: (AGAIN, I post the opportunity…IF YOU WANT TO BE A TOP SALESPERSON … ASK US FOR A N INTERVIEW (free, sad thing is, you won’t.)

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Back to the topic, if you want to be a top salesperson:

1) Decide that you will be a top salesperson (and do whatever it takes to get there)

2) Have the confidence to do it

That’s pretty much it.

Sorry to disappoint you. It’s not complicated.

Love your life UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

An Amazing Opportunity to Eavesdrop

An Amazing Opportunity to Eavesdrop

When Vidette walked in on her husband…(I’ll let HER tell that part of the story)…an unexpected journey started to unfold.

Vidette’s journey of self-exploration has led her to create enormous breakthroughs in business and personal lives for herself and her clients. She is now an author, an International Speaker, and a TV Host. (I adore her).

You will be astounded by the Vulnerability and Power of Vidette’s message (I PROMISE it is not what you would expect).

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Out of her extraordinary experience, Vidette created a six-step process to Re-Invention. Her book, S.O.U.L Mama outlines the steps that will dramatically impact YOU. Get a free 30-minute sneak peek at:

1) How powerful women think (this one’s for the guys)
2) How vulnerability invokes power (this one’s for everyone)
3) How to re-invent yourself – expand past the barriers you may have now (we’ve all got them)

Enjoy a FRESH and exciting look at what is available NOW to you because of Vidette’s gift of saying it how it really is. (It’s like reading the “hot” girl’s diary!)

Join me on January 31 at 1 pm Eastern to listen in to the VaVaVaVoom (Voyeuristic, Vicarious, Virtual) Interview with this dear woman. Register here: The first ten to register AND tweet about the event will receive a FREE book from Vidette! 

Love your journey UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

The Power of “What Are You Doing About That NOW?”

You’re in a sales conversation. Things are going pretty great. The questions your customer is asking are easily answered by your solution.

THEN, they throw the zinger at you. The question you can’t answer easily. The problem they want to solve, but you don’t have a plug-and-play answer.

You wrack your brain…you start making things up

You start thinking crazy things like…”Hmmmm….If they are asking for it, they must need it.” OR “Wow, my competition must be able to help them and I CAN’T!” OR “Help! I’m going to lose this sale!”

PAUSE. Take a moment. 

Then say, “That’s a great question. What Are You Doing About That NOW?

This question ALONE is a money-maker. 

Now, listen. Their answer will be VERY telling. It will give you access to FOUR options which will help you shine like a ROCKSTAR and ONE option that will help you stop wasting your time.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

The FIVE power options

1) They will tell you that they AREN’T doing it now, but they would really like to.
This will give you the chance to commiserate with them. “Yes, that WOULD be great. Unfortunately, we don’t do that now. Why is that important to YOU? Have you heard of anyone else who does that, because I haven’t.”: (NOTICE: Now you are on THEIR side of the table and you can gain valuable information about any competitors who might be in the mix.)

2) They will tell you the painful way they are handling that now.
This will give you the chance to commiserate with them. Then, you can talk about OTHER possible solutions to their problem that you CAN help with. You can use examples of other clients who have had similar issues and have solved them with YOU!

3) They will tell you the way they are working around the problem.
This will give you the chance to encourage them to continue to use their workaround and YOUR solution. Then, you can launch into how YOUR solution is going to solve so many of their other problems that this workaround might be less painful.

4) They will tell you that your competitor DOES offer a solution.
This will give you the chance to find out what your customer’s TOP priorities are. Is the competition able to deliver the more important solutions that YOU can deliver? Then, ask them if they would be open to you sharing the solution your competitor offers with your manager so that your company can possibly start working on a baked-in solution for your service.

5) They will tell you that they currently have a good solution to that particular problem or that your competitor offers a good solution for them.
This will give you the chance to find out if the solution you DON’T have is a deal-breaker. If it is, bow out gracefully and thank them for considering doing business with you. (You will STILL look like a ROCKSTAR, by the way, you just won’t be closing the business. Funny thing is, sometimes when you bow out on the “deal-breaker”, you find it wasn’t a deal-breaker after all and they appreciate your honesty – AND THEY BUY!)

So, when you get into a jam. And you customer wants something you can’t help with. Be calm. And confidently ask, “Hmmmmm….What Are You Doing About That NOW?”

Love your selling UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl



Add your Pizazz!

Tomorrow, I am presenting my sales territory plan to my team.

I do this every year.

It is a PowerPoint presentation (Ugh).

EVEN I was bored writing this thing, UNTIL – I thought – “You Know, we have a lot of new competition in the market this year, we are recovering from a tough year, the economy is uncertain…it is time for me to instill CONFIDENCE!”

So, I brought in the FIREWORKS! 

For 2013, I added in my sales-quota-killiing techniques…completely illustrated (with soundtrack?)

I introduce the Pipeline techniques (The Elephant Tracks, The Bread & Butter, and the SMB).

I lay out the “Apple Pitch”, the “Leapfrog”, and the “Opera Tickets” – all plans that I will execute (I will teach these in a short – and cheap – call in February – don’t miss ’em). All designed to INSPIRE my team to get on the same page and CRUSH the year.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I have taken a TIRED presentation of numbers and charts to a REVOLUTION – one that my entire company can get behind. In fact, I invited my CEO to attend my presentation and I think he will actually be there! SCORE!

If you are going to CRUSH it, do it with some PIZAZZ!

Love your life UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

The Handwritten Thank You Note Strikes Again

The handwritten thank you note strikes again
The Handwritten Thank You Note Strikes Again

I got STRUCK today.

With my own advice.

Remember that fabulous interview we did last week with Bob Burg? The one where HE gave us his precious time and talent – and great advice?

Guess what I got in the mail today! I got a Handwritten Thank You Note from Bob!

Know how I always say that the two most important things to wild success are “Be On Time” and “Send a Handwritten Thank You Note”?

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Well, I was right.

It was an incredible feeling and made me realize exactly why Bob is such a huge success! Yes, it takes extra time and it takes effort and thought (and a stamp). But it MAKES YOU STAND OUT because almost NO ONE does it!

Love your peeps UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl


Own Up!

Ever had that one client, that one boss, that one family member that EVERYTHING you do with them doesn’t work? No matter what they need, you screw it up?

I had a presentation with THAT customer today! 

Today I had a presentation in the last stages of a competitive bid for an important contract.

EVERYBODY was on the phone.

The Executives, the decision-makers, the business unit people, the purchasers. EVERYBODY.

This presentation went the way all of my other interactions have gone with this customer. Wild technical difficulties to start. Fumbling my words. Stilted maneuvering through the product I was demonstrating. It’s been like this since the beginning…

A fun history

It’s been a train wreck the whole way through.Own Up to Your Train Wrecks

My first meeting with them I had to cancel because I was driving to see them mid-winter and I couldn’t get out of my neighborhood, the roads were so bad.

In my first presentation with them, they were ALL ice cold. I could not get meaningful eye contact with any of them.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Submitting my proposal – well, that went OK.

The technical call with my Senior Vice President of Product Development and their whole team – I was a FULL eleven minutes late to the call (unprecedented).

This last presentation – just BARELY ran at all and BARELY got it done in the time allotted.


I was disenheartened after this call. It was my last opportunity to make a good impression. But, here’s the thing. We really do have a GREAT solution for what this customer needs.

What’s a girl to do?

My first inclination was to let it ride

I had done what I had done. It was over. RIGHT?

Then, the scary move

I wrote to the icy-est (is that a word?) business analyst. I wrote (paraphrase):

“Have you ever had that ONE client, that ONE boss, that ONE family member that you could never get it quite right with?

“For some odd reason your company seems to be that for me. I apologize for the technical difficulties I put you through. My presentation was stilted and I hope I didn’t put everyone to sleep. In nine years, I have never had this experience of everything going wrong. I hope that people can let the great products and services shine through, in spite of my bumbling. Is there anything else you need from me?”

I HATED looking this ridiculous, but you know what happened? 

This Icy person sent me a warm email. She said “The technical difficulties didn’t bother any of us – it was a simple thing to manage. I have passed your email to the head of purchasing.”

Two birds with one stone!

Pretty cool! Not only had I been a “human” with the business analyst, but she gave me the opportunity to be a “human” with the purchasing person, too.

We might just win this thing! 

We might not. But at least I can rest knowing that I have put the best possible foot forward for my company with products and services that deserve to win the contract.


Do not be afraid to let people know that YOU know that you could have done better and that you care that you didn’t do your best. People are amazing.

Love your vulnerability UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl