Category Archives: Loving Life

The indominatable Thank You Note Wins Again

The indominatable Thank You Note Wins AgainAs many of you know, I recently won Bob Burg’s Grand Prize for his Holiday Contest. (GO! )

As some of you also know, I donated 10% of it to his favorite kind of charity, my local Humane Society.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

What happened just a few days ago?

I received a HAND-WRITTEN THANK YOU NOTE for the donation.

Lickety-split and completely unexpected!
The result: The Hobart Humane Society has gone on my favorite charity list – for good! They WILL receive more money from me.

It’s simply magical – that hand-written Thank You note. If you aren’t doing it – START!

Love ’em UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Using the THREE Fundamentals of networking to sell!

Using the FIVE Fundamentals of networking to sell! A good friend of mine emailed me a FANTASTIC sales training video today. It sparked my imagination and I have added THREE things to my sales process – that I have learned about great networking.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I started using these last week and I’ve gotten FIVE really strong leads from this new approach!

1) EVERY TIME I am talking with a prospect or a client, I am looking to see who I can connect them with in their industry or their town. Somone who I know and would make a difference for the person on the other end of the phone. I become a connector, a thought leader, and a valuable resource.

2) EVERY TIME I am talking with a prospect or a client I am reminding myself: I AM ON A MISSION TO SERVE OTHERS.

3) EVERY TIME I am talking with a prospect or client, I ask “Who do you know that I should be talking to?” “Who do you know who can use my help?” (And then I be quiet. I wait for their response).


Thanks, Lynne, for the video!

 Love your peeps UP!
The Irreverent Sales Girl

The quote to sum it all up for the week – on victims

The quote to sum it all up for the week - on victims

“We cannot have a world where everyone is a victim. “I’m this way because my father made me this way. I’m this way because my husband made me this way.” Yes, we are indeed formed by traumas that happen to us. But then you must take charge, you must take over, you are responsible.”

― Camille Paglia



Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:


Wanna reinvent a part of your life?

Wanna reinvent a part of your life?Thanks to Vidette Vanderweide for the vulnerable interview with me today about her powerful steps to reinvention.

Ever heard that tiny voice inside – nudging you to make a change? Or, maybe it’s bigger than that – maybe you’ve gotten sick – maybe you’ve lost something important to you and you don’t know where to turn. Perhaps you just find yourself a little bit “off” all the time?


Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

On our call, Vidette outlined the six steps to reinvention.I’ve included them here – AND I highly ENCOURAGE you to get her book S.O.U.L. Mama. The book is page-turner. Vidette doesn’t “tell” you HOW to reinvent. She shows you how she did. And, it isn’t always pretty!

Order the book here:

The Six Steps to Reinvention:

  1. Reconnect – Reconnect with who you are and those dreams and desires you have (Maybe it’s been years since you’ve remembered them.)
  2. Reframe – Release old behaviors and replace with new ones to encourage a new paradigm to emerge.
  3. Receive – Receive new visions, new thoughts, new habits
  4. Reinvent – your daily practices – especially those that are no longer serving you
  5. Revolutionize – find your unique gifts and talents and bring them to the world
  6. Refine – What in your new paradigm is not working? Tweak it. Play with it. Refine it until it works the way you dreamed

We will post a recording of the VaVaVaVoom (Voyeruistic, Vicarious, Virtual) Conversation soon!

Learn more about Vidette at You’ll be glad you did.

Love your life UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl



Let’s cut to the C**P, shall we? You wanna be #1?

OK, I very rarely invite untoward language…

But, here it is…

On a call with Gary Hart today ( I spoke with a man who has BEEN selling his whole life.

(HINT: you may be listening to sales “experts”, but check it out – Have they sold ANYTHING beyond themselves?)


Yes! You haven’t been listening to people who have DONE sales, you have been listening to people who have “studied” sales. You have been listening for people who need YOU to succeed, so that THEY can succeed.

That is why it doesn’t work. NOT FOR YOU.

At any rate, I was talking with Gary (and we can arrange a joint conversation, if you have the courage to ask)…and we boiled it down. If you want to be a top salesperson there are two things to do: (AGAIN, I post the opportunity…IF YOU WANT TO BE A TOP SALESPERSON … ASK US FOR A N INTERVIEW (free, sad thing is, you won’t.)

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Back to the topic, if you want to be a top salesperson:

1) Decide that you will be a top salesperson (and do whatever it takes to get there)

2) Have the confidence to do it

That’s pretty much it.

Sorry to disappoint you. It’s not complicated.

Love your life UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

An Amazing Opportunity to Eavesdrop

An Amazing Opportunity to Eavesdrop

When Vidette walked in on her husband…(I’ll let HER tell that part of the story)…an unexpected journey started to unfold.

Vidette’s journey of self-exploration has led her to create enormous breakthroughs in business and personal lives for herself and her clients. She is now an author, an International Speaker, and a TV Host. (I adore her).

You will be astounded by the Vulnerability and Power of Vidette’s message (I PROMISE it is not what you would expect).

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Out of her extraordinary experience, Vidette created a six-step process to Re-Invention. Her book, S.O.U.L Mama outlines the steps that will dramatically impact YOU. Get a free 30-minute sneak peek at:

1) How powerful women think (this one’s for the guys)
2) How vulnerability invokes power (this one’s for everyone)
3) How to re-invent yourself – expand past the barriers you may have now (we’ve all got them)

Enjoy a FRESH and exciting look at what is available NOW to you because of Vidette’s gift of saying it how it really is. (It’s like reading the “hot” girl’s diary!)

Join me on January 31 at 1 pm Eastern to listen in to the VaVaVaVoom (Voyeuristic, Vicarious, Virtual) Interview with this dear woman. Register here: The first ten to register AND tweet about the event will receive a FREE book from Vidette! 

Love your journey UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Add your Pizazz!

Tomorrow, I am presenting my sales territory plan to my team.

I do this every year.

It is a PowerPoint presentation (Ugh).

EVEN I was bored writing this thing, UNTIL – I thought – “You Know, we have a lot of new competition in the market this year, we are recovering from a tough year, the economy is uncertain…it is time for me to instill CONFIDENCE!”

So, I brought in the FIREWORKS! 

For 2013, I added in my sales-quota-killiing techniques…completely illustrated (with soundtrack?)

I introduce the Pipeline techniques (The Elephant Tracks, The Bread & Butter, and the SMB).

I lay out the “Apple Pitch”, the “Leapfrog”, and the “Opera Tickets” – all plans that I will execute (I will teach these in a short – and cheap – call in February – don’t miss ’em). All designed to INSPIRE my team to get on the same page and CRUSH the year.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I have taken a TIRED presentation of numbers and charts to a REVOLUTION – one that my entire company can get behind. In fact, I invited my CEO to attend my presentation and I think he will actually be there! SCORE!

If you are going to CRUSH it, do it with some PIZAZZ!

Love your life UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Creating my Incredible 2013

Creating my incredible 2013I am creating my incredible 2013 – with the help of this truly wonderful resource:

I am going to shamelessly steal from the planner (please go get it – so inexpensive – so powerful – WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER!)

From Leonie Dawson (who you will LOVE):

“The Entrepreneur’s path can be the most spiritual experience of your life [btw, salespeople ARE entrepreneurs]

You will be called on to change every part of you that holds you back, so that you may step into your brightest magnificence.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

The path of growth, of expansion, of transformation, of change, is not always the easy one.

It will cause you to face your fears, all the parts of you that are undeveloped.

You have no choice but to step into this, whole of face and whole of heart.

This is the path that is calling you, the path that has been destined for you.

This is the path that is calling your greatness out of you, it is the path that calls you to dream your biggest dream.”

Salespeople ROCK!

Love your Courage, Brilliance, and Perseverance UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl