Category Archives: Dignity

Bringing a dash of dignity to selling

Pay yourself first…as applied to scheduling

I have a practice to ensure my long-term wealth: I always pay myself first (meaning, every time I get paid, I always put money into MY savings account first).

And then I realized…I’ve been resisting scheduling my week. Here’s why…I always schedule what I “should” be doing. And it fills everyting up. And then, I don’t do it and I feel like I can’t keep up.

Now, many of you are much better than this – way more driven – so this only “might” apply to you! Or, if you’re RICH, you probably already do this…

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So, this week, I “paid myself first”. I put into my calendar my next vacation and I scheduled my workouts and time “off” FIRST.

Then, I built the actions that I need to take to move my games forward into the calendar.

I don’t HAVE to burn out…and it all fits!

Are you willing to schedule your life out? And to schedule time for you FIRST?

I promise you that WILDLY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE are not run by their to-do list.


The Irreverent Sales Girl

Release your inner engineer!

I was reading a discussion on LinkedIn today about sales engineers; that supposedly magical mix of technical expertise and sales acumen. The woman posting asserted that “the two personalities are on opposite sides of the spectrum”…and I thought to myself, “Really?” I wonder what she means…

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After all,

Great engineers figure out processes, fix things, and incorporate innovative products/services into existing systems to create efficiencies. They make things work.

So do great salespeople.

Great engineers know when something won’t work NOW or ever at all and they don’t pretend that it will.

So do great salespeople.

Great engineers know how to ask straight questions, get to the heart of the problem, and give straight answers.

So do great salespeople.

Great engineers know when a workaround can really work — and they bring creativity to the situation — solving the problem.

So do great salespeople.

Great engineers listen first and get ALL the relevant facts before they propose a solution.

So do great salespeople.

Great engineers know when something else will work better and are willing to share that information freely.

So do great salespeople.

Great engineers know their product inside and out and understand where it fits in the marketplace.

So do great salespeople.

Great engineers ask, “How can we?”

So do great salespeople.

You get the idea!

So, if I were a sales engineer and I was asked the tough question, “Am I more engineer or sales?” I would say “both”.

As long as I know how to listen for the problem, determine if we have a solution, and propose the right mix of products/services to either meet or exceed the client’s goals, then I can be your top engineer and salesperson every time.

Love the engineer in you UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

You need help!

If you want to be OUTRAGEOUSLY successful, you have GOT to realize that YOU NEED HELP!

Here’s the tough part. It’s hard to ask for help!

Here’s the key…How much do YOU love to give help?

See the intersection here?

I invite you (and I’m going to steal from T.Harv Eker here) to be a generous giver and an EXCELLENT receiver.

How can you be a better receiver today? The world is waiting to contribute to you! It just needs a great reason and a fun ask.

Imagine that you are STINGY with how you let people give to you.

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Watch “My Cousin Vinny”.(Think this with a bad Jersey accent – dressed in Lycra from head to toe).

At the end, Mona Lisa Vito declares to Vinny “Imagine that you are a successful lawyer and you win every case – case after case –  but someone helped you, and you have to say THANK YOU…what a (expletive) nightmare!”

Try it today. Ask for something that you really want. And be willing to get it.

HA! I challenge you!

Love your PEEPS UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

I know a man who is a WILDLY SUCCESSFUL investment portfolio manager.

He grew his business from nothing to spectacular!

He works with ordinary people with ordinary portfolios, but even through VERY difficult markets he continues to grow and KILL his competition.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

How does he do this? He has smart investment strategies, for sure. But, so do a lot of people.

What he does is communicate, communicate, communicate.

When the market has a bad day….he send messages to all of his clients telling them what he’s thinking about and what he’s doing.

When news hits “the street” about what “smart money” is doing, he sends messages to everyone telling them why they are part of the “smart money” crowd.

He sends letters and newsletters and insists on quarterly check-ins.

When he’s bringing money under his management from another broker, he sends messages every step of the way about what is happening.

When someone refers a friend to him, he keeps them in-the-loop about how successful the new relationship is.

One day after a MAJOR MARKET MELTDOWN, he had all of his staff in on a Saturday, calling each and every client to tell them what he was doing about it.

Now, this is NOT easy. It requires systems and it requires thinking.

2% of his clients complain that they hear from him too much.

But, no one leaves. He has the relationship. People KNOW what is happening and they know that someone is hard at work on their goals. I think they would even feel guilty talking to someone ELSE about managing their money — like they are cheating on him.

Be this way. Tell them what you are going to do, tell them what you are doing, tell them what you did. Thank them. Keep them in the loop.

This way of doing business makes you a real and full partner. And you will always win!

Love your clients UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Be patient, and BE BOLD!

I wish I could tell you stories that would turn your heart on a dime..give you the golden nugget.

It doesn’t work that way.

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If you have ANY interest in selling to anyone, you MUST think this way:

1) Take your mind OFF of the Big Company and always remind yourself of the value you offer

THIS ALONE will make you a Magnet.

2) Interact with the people at THE BIG COMPANY as if they are peers, (and they are…they are people walking on the planet just like you…same worries, same concerns, same desire to hit the lottery!)

Now, you can speak freely…


3) Look to see..IS your solution the best for them? If it is, GO FOR IT!! If it is not, at least tell them, “Thank you! I want you to get the BEST. I am not it.” OR know that YOU are the best and say so.

Then, ask for the sale. If you don’t know how to ask for the sale, email me at and we’ll work it out!

Let’s LOVE ‘EM UP!!!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

You want the answer? Here’s the answer….

We are all searching for THE ANSWER.

Consider, there is NO answer…

Keep trying new things…take new classes…spend the money…

You WILL find YOUR answer…and then it will go away – and leave you with a NEW QUESTION!

There is not a RIGHT way to do your life. Haven’t you learned that yet?

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:


Do you have the guts? We’ll see!

Love your LIFE UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

On Leadership and Entrepreneurs

A little rant of mine for a Monday!

I’ve found it’s better to have someone ELSE call you a leader or an entrepreneur.

When people call themselves leaders or entrepreneurs, it makes me think they probably have no idea what they are doing and they are unemployed – and probably broke. But trying to make themselves feel better.

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If you are calling YOURSELF a leader and an entrepreneur, you are probably trying to prove something.

If you ARE a leader or an entrepreneur, you don’t even have to say it. People will know!

I’m just sayin’

Love your LIFE UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Four years ago, I lost an account….

In 2008, a valued customer packed up their bags and went singing down the road to work with another supplier.

It was a simply AWFUL experience. For some reason, their company decided it was time to re-evaluate all of their contracts and so they put our service into an evaluation process.

This customer LOVED us and we were doing a great job. But, our competition presented better than I did. When I de-briefed with my friends at the company later, they told me all of the magical things their new supplier could provide that I couldn’t. I listened. I was sad.

It wasn’t true. The new supplier couldn’t provide all they were promising and I knew it. And there wasn’t anything to say. The choice had been made.

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So, I said nothing to defend my position. I said nothing to them about the mis-information they were receiving.

I stayed in touch. I shared resources that might help. I kept them on my invitation list for Webinars with thought leaders that I knew they would enjoy. I met with them at conferences.

And, I waited.

Today, they’re BACK!!! The new supplier has not delivered and they missed us so much. It has been a joyful re-union all around.

And it’s because I kept my tongue when I wanted to scream!

If you’ve got the real deal – no matter what the product – and you KNOW you can deliver better, but they pick someone else. BE CLASSY. Hold your tongue. Be a resource. Wait.

And CELEBRATE the return!

Love your LIFE up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl


The One and ONLY way to look at Goals

It may seem arrogant, and I’ll stand behind it.

If there is only ONE system to create your goals, this is it….

Write down two or three of your goals….I’ll wait…do it now.

Now, look…would THOSE be the goals that …..say..Oprah would write? Donald Trump would write? Super model Natasha Poly would write? Angelina Jolie would write?

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Why are you writing different goals than they are? Is something starting to become OBVIOUS?

What are you seeing? More interesting: What are you willing to commit to? No matter what? Dontcha know that is what it takes?

Can’t wait to hear!

Love YOUR life up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Your personal mission!

What if you judged EACH and EVERY action you took today against your personal mission in life?

How would you go about getting to work on time? Dealing with your customers?

Would you have THAT conversation with your boss? Would you play that many games on your computer?

What do you want to leave behind?

Here’s who I tip my hat to – among many others. I believe that Vidette V lives nearly every action inside of her mission to help moms leave the corporate world and create their VERY OWN epic revolution.

I believe that T.Harv Eker spends every action based on if it forwards what he REALLY wants – wealth and abundance for ALL.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

If YOU were living your personal mission and EVERY ACTION you took was a match for achieving it….how FUN would your day be? What would you add in? What would you take out?

Be a MONSTER for your mission (Maybe you need to create one first – DO THIS).

Love your LIFE UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl