Category Archives: Customer Service

Notes and thoughts about exceptional (or exceptionally bad!) customer service.

You need help!

If you want to be OUTRAGEOUSLY successful, you have GOT to realize that YOU NEED HELP!

Here’s the tough part. It’s hard to ask for help!

Here’s the key…How much do YOU love to give help?

See the intersection here?

I invite you (and I’m going to steal from T.Harv Eker here) to be a generous giver and an EXCELLENT receiver.

How can you be a better receiver today? The world is waiting to contribute to you! It just needs a great reason and a fun ask.

Imagine that you are STINGY with how you let people give to you.

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Watch “My Cousin Vinny”.(Think this with a bad Jersey accent – dressed in Lycra from head to toe).

At the end, Mona Lisa Vito declares to Vinny “Imagine that you are a successful lawyer and you win every case – case after case –  but someone helped you, and you have to say THANK YOU…what a (expletive) nightmare!”

Try it today. Ask for something that you really want. And be willing to get it.

HA! I challenge you!

Love your PEEPS UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

I know a man who is a WILDLY SUCCESSFUL investment portfolio manager.

He grew his business from nothing to spectacular!

He works with ordinary people with ordinary portfolios, but even through VERY difficult markets he continues to grow and KILL his competition.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

How does he do this? He has smart investment strategies, for sure. But, so do a lot of people.

What he does is communicate, communicate, communicate.

When the market has a bad day….he send messages to all of his clients telling them what he’s thinking about and what he’s doing.

When news hits “the street” about what “smart money” is doing, he sends messages to everyone telling them why they are part of the “smart money” crowd.

He sends letters and newsletters and insists on quarterly check-ins.

When he’s bringing money under his management from another broker, he sends messages every step of the way about what is happening.

When someone refers a friend to him, he keeps them in-the-loop about how successful the new relationship is.

One day after a MAJOR MARKET MELTDOWN, he had all of his staff in on a Saturday, calling each and every client to tell them what he was doing about it.

Now, this is NOT easy. It requires systems and it requires thinking.

2% of his clients complain that they hear from him too much.

But, no one leaves. He has the relationship. People KNOW what is happening and they know that someone is hard at work on their goals. I think they would even feel guilty talking to someone ELSE about managing their money — like they are cheating on him.

Be this way. Tell them what you are going to do, tell them what you are doing, tell them what you did. Thank them. Keep them in the loop.

This way of doing business makes you a real and full partner. And you will always win!

Love your clients UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Four years ago, I lost an account….

In 2008, a valued customer packed up their bags and went singing down the road to work with another supplier.

It was a simply AWFUL experience. For some reason, their company decided it was time to re-evaluate all of their contracts and so they put our service into an evaluation process.

This customer LOVED us and we were doing a great job. But, our competition presented better than I did. When I de-briefed with my friends at the company later, they told me all of the magical things their new supplier could provide that I couldn’t. I listened. I was sad.

It wasn’t true. The new supplier couldn’t provide all they were promising and I knew it. And there wasn’t anything to say. The choice had been made.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

So, I said nothing to defend my position. I said nothing to them about the mis-information they were receiving.

I stayed in touch. I shared resources that might help. I kept them on my invitation list for Webinars with thought leaders that I knew they would enjoy. I met with them at conferences.

And, I waited.

Today, they’re BACK!!! The new supplier has not delivered and they missed us so much. It has been a joyful re-union all around.

And it’s because I kept my tongue when I wanted to scream!

If you’ve got the real deal – no matter what the product – and you KNOW you can deliver better, but they pick someone else. BE CLASSY. Hold your tongue. Be a resource. Wait.

And CELEBRATE the return!

Love your LIFE up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl


Tell it like it is!

Today, I delivered a presentation to a group of about 20 people with a MAJOR CORPORATION!!!

Even with fourteen people on the line, it was important to reach everyone….and each of them ONLY wants to know what I can deliver FOR REAL and how I will help meet THEIR goals.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

At the end of the call, one person said “THANK YOU for telling us what you CAN’T do. Everyone else pretends that they can do it all…and they can’t…It’ refreshing to talk with someone who tells it the way it is.”

I think I might actually WIN this accout! If I don’t, I know that they got the straight truth and even THEY will refer me….even if they don’t buy. INCREDIBLE!!!

Love your peeps UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Remember, people want to be proud of their decisions!

This is an especially important message for people who sell products/services that require a lengthy contracting/procurement process.

Once your contact has said “yes” – YOUR JOB BECOMES EVEN MORE IMPORTANT.

This could apply to a person buying a fleet of construction vehicles from you all the way to a Mary Kay consultant booking a party with a hostess for two weeks in the future.

Here’s why your job becomes SO important.

Now, YOUR BUYER’S reputation and personal “brand” is on the line  –  which makes them VERY NERVOUS. In between the “yes” and the completed event (purchase, party, etc), they need to keep remembering that they made a great decision.

Throughout the entire process you want your buyer to feel GREAT about their decision.

Here are some tried and true ideas. Set up weekly calls with your buyer to give them tools that they can put in place NOW to help them hit the ground running when the contract is finally signed – or the event is happening.

Send CELEBRATION emails of victories that other clients are having by using your products/services. Send PR News Releases about your own company that put you in a positive light.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Direct your buyer to resources on your website that they will find interesting –  possibly a blog post. Talk to them about the keynote speech that your CMO delivered at the latest conference.

Find ways to keep congratulating your buyer on making a great decision and you will have a happy ongoing relationship – fruitful with referrals, upsells, and trust.

Love ’em up!

Announcing the Debut……

Bear with me while I share a little story…..Thank you!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Many of you know that the Magnificent Anne Marie Schlekeway was my coach before she moved on from this world with the help of Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

Anne Marie was AMAZING, vivacious, talented, magnetic! AND she developed a brilliant 12-week coaching program called The Master Plan.

Before she passed away, she helped ME write The Irreverent Sales Girl’s Master Plan for Wild Success. It is brilliant!

But, I know one thing about me. I am not a coach and I don’t want to be one. I don’t even want to play one on TV.

So, after a long time searching, I have finally found the MOST AMAZING COACH to deliver the program in her absence. He is the Fabulous James Baird who has coached hundreds of people to realize their dreams. Anne Marie’s mother described him as “EXCITING” – and he is!

The Irreverent Sales Girl’s Master Plan for Wild Success is a heart-filled, generous, guaranteed results program to bring people the things they REALLY desire.

We are starting this 12 session program on May 29th. We will only offer it to ten people to start – because we care that the results are delivered.

Right now, there are six people registered for the Debut Plan that we are offering at a deep discount.

If you are one of the deep discount participants, I want you to agree to:

1) Get amazing results
2) Give a video, audio, and/or written testimonial about your results
3) Refer two people to The Irreverent Sales Girl’s Master Plan for Wild Success
4) Participate in assessments every week and one survey at the end.

This is a VaVaVaVoom offer that will ROCK your planet. If you want to check out the introduction and promises and schedule, go to:

I have a feeling we’ll go to waitlist by Thursday, so if you’re interested, don’t hesitate.

I can’t WAIT to love you up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

OK… the gloves are off and you might not want to hear this

Ever heard the saying “It takes two to tango?”

It’s not JUST salespeople that need to add a dash of dignity to the art of selling. It is AlSO the buyers!

I got an emai from a procurement guy today saying that they NORMALLY ask for a “lowest and best price” from the key contenders at this point of the sale……BUT if I’m willing to give them a FIFTY PERCENT DISCOUNT on the price I quoted them, they’d be happy to ignore other vendors.


Immediately, I contacted by business owner in the company. I asked them straight up…where did this person get misinformation about our pricing structure – it was nowhere near what we had discussed.

She responded….. “this is standard operating procedure. Just reply with what your price is. We look forward to working with you! ”

DON’T do this…if you are a BUYER….DON’T do this. It EQUALLY diminishes the art of selling.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I invite you to be a gracious and AUTHENTIC buyer. I promise you that you will get the best deals EVER imagined if you act in good faith and authentic communication.

I’m just sayin’…..procurement people, you want to be the BEST at your job, give a good listen to this, you might be surprised!

Love buyers up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Wanna know how to always get the attention you want?

It used to be that all you needed to bring was enthusiasm and persistence.

Now, people require REAL value if you want a shot with them.

If every time you interact with ANYONE, you bring value to THEM….they will always take your calls, they will always return your emails, they will always care.

It’s tricky, though, are you the kind of person who has developed yourself to get over in THEIR world?

Do you know how to reach them in the way THEY like to be reached? (voice mail, text, email, phone call, personal visit)……People have preferences and today, they get to exercise those preferences better than ever!!!!

Find out what people WANT!!! (A really great way is often to ASK – most people never ask).

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:


FREE BONUS: One thing is for certain. People like to LOOK GOOD! If you can make them feel and look like a rockstar — you are forever successful. The more people you make people feel good and look good, the more you will do well. Period.

Love people up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Sometimes it just hurts

If you’re going for something important…

Sometimes it looks like it just won’t ever happen..THIS is the time when YOU get to say who YOU are….

It may bring you to your knees…..Sob in your sleep….Test every fiber of your body.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

You WILL get the next break. The clouds will part at the right time.

Keep your faith … it’s what sets you apart.

And NEVER stop!

Love the process up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

If the cup isn’t empty – you simply can’t get anything in

I was in a BIG and very important (to our company) meeting today.

About 20 minutes into the meeting, the woman I was talking to checked her phone, rolled her eyes, sighed in disgust and said – “My neighbor!”

I was in the middle of setting up the conversation we were about to have about how to work together.

I stopped.

I asked her what was happening. She started the story. She has been battling her neighbor for years – is even considering moving to a new home to be away from this person.

I kept asking friendly questions until it was all out……all that SHE wanted to say. Then, she was calm and re-focused.

If I’d let that moment go – she would have only had her attention 20% with me.

As it was, we’re moving forward!!!!!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Be alert! What do THEY have their focus on? Unlikely it’s you for very long at any given time. I’m just sayin’

If they’ve got something on their mind – your message won’t get through!

Love ’em up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl