All posts by The Irreverent Sales Girl

Gentlemen prefer….

I learned the most interesting thing on a phone conference with Alex Mandossian the other day. He was interviewing the author, Dr. Ivan Misner about his new book “Business Networking and Sex” Great title, dontcha think?

Here’s one thing he found from his surveys:

Men prefer to talk about transactions.

Women prefer to spend time developing relationships.

(Those weren’t the only points made in the interview, the whole book sounds fascinating – great stories about men and women who are going above and beyond to successfully interact with each other).

How does this apply to your sales?

If you’re selling to a man – get to the point.

If you’re selling to a woman – spend some time creating common ground and nurturing a relationship before you start the sale.

Simplified information from a fascinating book.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Love ’em up the way THEY want to be loved up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Don’t let the turkeys get you down!

You know how I hate warmed-over porridge?

Still sometimes the oldies ARE the goodies. Today I am lucky enough to have friends who remind me that SOMETIMES people won’t like the way I do things. SOMETIMES I may put some people off with my opinions and my attitudes – and even, yes even, my success!

It’s good to have friends who will remind you to NOT LET THE TURKEYS GET YOU DOWN!!! If you have people clucking along your path, you don’t need to make a Thanksgiving dinner out of them, but you don’t have to listen either.

YOU know your path. YOU know your heart. If you listen closely enough, you even know your HEART. Follow it.

Cluck ’em up!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

The Irreverent Sales Girl

P.S. If you are tempted to reply with “fowl” jokes/puns — BY ALL MEANS – What are you waiting for? 🙂

What makes her so successful?

As I’m watching the Oscars…. (yes, I am watching the “chick Super Bowl”).

I’m noticing Cameron Diaz. She really stands out…..and I’m thinking to myself….

It is no wonder that she is wildly successful. Her energy is so high, she looks like she takes great care of herself and she’s just having a BLAST!!!

Are you treating yourself like a prize possession? Are you loving your life? Is your energy high, high high?

I’m gonna go be a little bit of Cameron this week and KNOCK THEIR SOCKS OFF!

Love ’em up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

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What went wrong?

Here’s what I’ve noticed……

People LOVE buying stuff from people they like!

So, what went wrong? Why is “sales” so villified? Hmmmmmm………

If you are in sales, point your index finger at something in front of you. NOW, slowly turn your hand to point to your own chest.


Are you ready to bring a DASH OF DIGNITY to your art of selling?

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Love ’em up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Eating the Elephant

When you’re going for something BIG in your life, you are in trouble.

Let’s say it straight. You see OTHERS who have done it. But, you can’t see how you’re LIKE THAT PERSON.

Then, you decide if THEY did it, it could be possible for someone else.

Then, you see…..MAYBE, just MAYBE that person could be me.

Then, you think…..HOLY COW, not me!

Then, you get jealous.

Then, you get discouraged.

And, then you DECLARE…YES! If that person can do it, then so can I!

And then (if you’re extraordinary) you do an extraordinary thing.

You start eating the elephant ONE BITE AT A TIME.

(That IS how you eat an elephant, after all).

Bite, Chew, Swallow, Repeat.

BUT, don’t kid yourself. If you want to eat the elephant (and I mean the business you never thought you could have, the income you never thought you could earn, the people you never thought you could meet)…. it’s ALSO going to TAKE remembering WHO YOU ARE.

Because, frankly, you forgot.

How I know this is true?  YOU WOULDN’T WANT TO EAT THE ELEPHANT if it wasn’t you who already are.

One bite at a time. Faith, beyond faith. Being willing to REMEMBER who you really are (the person you KNEW you were, but somehow got your heart broken).

AND FRANKLY, it’s going to take more than you thought you had. BUT, the good news is, PLAYING FULL OUT gives you MORE energy. Not less.

SO, what’s your elephant? The thing you don’t dare to dream? Where are you going to play FULL OUT to take just ONE bite today?

Don’t be boring. Surprise yourself.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Love up the Elephant!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Who will be your guide?

I heard a GREAT story from someone this weekend. Someone who is WILDLY successful, a CEO and a multi-, multi-millionaire.

You should get on the edge of your seat for this one….

He was telling the story of how he used to get a call from a stock broker nearly every day – working to get his business.

He would take the calls, listen to the pitch, sometimes he would say “yes” and sometimes “no”, but his investments never seemed to go anywhere. They would go up and they would go down, but they wouldn’t make any appreciable returns – mostly, the broker was getting the commission, and his money wasn’t going anywhere!

Then, one day, the light snapped on!!! That day when he got a call from the “Broker du Jour” (his words), he asked the question……”I’d like to hear more, but first……what’s your net worth?”

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What do you think he heard from the other end of the line?

Yep. Silence.

And then, the Broker du Jour said,  “I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”


“Then”, he said, “we won’t be doing business together.”

How many times do we ask the professionals who we are paying to guide us to tell us about their own successes? Have they achieved success in this area themselves? Hmmmm….

No wonder my Business Degree left me wondering what I’d missed! My teachers were simply that, TEACHERS! They hadn’t run a business…….

The people who REALLY taught me…..were the ones who… guessed it…..had ALREADY done it themselves!

A fool and his money are soon parted. Hire professionals who know what they’re doing and can DEMONSTRATE that they have!

Love yourself up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

If you want to learn something new…..

Learn like a kid does!

Adults mostly have to un-learn things ‘cuz they learned things when they were young. That’s why it is so easy to learn things when you’re a kid, because you’re being a kid about it.

If you want to learn something new now — find a way to jump around and play and squirm and shout at the top of your lungs while learning it.

Find a way to sing your new information.

Find a way to practice without worry about getting it right the first time (how was your first step, after all? Did you get it right the first time?)

Kids believe they CAN and then they bring play.

If you want to learn something new, leave your EGO at the door and play like a goofy kid!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Being certain…..

Often times we count on things we *thought* we heard.   This is REALLY important for salespeople.

Did they say that they *might* make it for a demonstration….or did the reserve spots for people?

Did they say they *think your solution is perfect” or did they lay out the buying process for you?

Did they say they “are delighted with your presentation” or did they sign the contract?

It’s OK to let people decide when they do, just don’t fool yourself that something is handled.

Be in reality and you will RULE!!!!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Love ‘em up!


The Irreverent Sales Girl

Google Creativity for your Valentine’s Viewing Pleasure

Fun when a company gives their users creativity AND usability! (Food for thought: Where can you add something to YOUR product that engages your customer’s hearts and imagination?)

Enjoy the home page logo from Google today.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Love ’em up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

When you just don’t feel like it…..

Do it anyway!

I just got finished reading a truly stellar book by T. Harv Eker – and in it he makes the case that if you do the easy things, life is hard. And if you do the hard things, life is easy!!!

Hmmmmm…….. a whole new look at the importance of keeping the laundry clean – ON TIME!! Or going to the gym, ON SCHEDULE!!!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Start practicing the muscle of doing the hard stuff, saying the hard things. Give yourself a break if you’re not really great at it right away. But, DON’T STOP!!!

Love your life up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl