“That’s Not Like Me!” Using Bad Habit Truths to Your Advantage

What is one thing you know you would NEVER do? Like REALLY know you would never do it? It may be something like Embezzle… or try Crack Cocaine… or Poison Someone Else’s Dog. I’m talking about something that is completely out of the realm of possibility for you.

That is something that is truly JUST NOT LIKE YOU!

You are RELIABLE to not do it.

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Now, think of something that you sometimes do – that you know isn’t so fabulous for you. Something like… eat entire bags of kettle corn after 11 at night… or smoke cigarettes … or spend too much money on QVC. This is something that you would prefer that it isn’t like you, but you have to admit that, reluctantly…

It IS just like you!

How did that happen? How did you become somewhat enslaved to a behavior that you wish was JUST NOT LIKE YOU?

How it happened was that you did it ONCE.

At one time in your life – doing that one behavior JUST WASN’T LIKE YOU. Then, you did it once.  Now it was JUST LIKE YOU!

OK – let’s not dwell in the bad stuff.

How can you apply this same principle to all the GOOD STUFF you want to have in your life?

First, think of something you WISH you were doing regularly or something that you wish were true about you, but it’s JUST NOT LIKE YOU!

It could be getting up at 5 am and exercising. It could be reading a book once a week. It could be making an hour of cold calls each Wednesday. It could be speaking at local business meetings regularly.

The good news is…to start a new GOOD habit is the exact same as starting a bad habit …

The first step is to do it one time. Just once.

Look what happened… doing that thing has become JUST LIKE YOU! Now it IS just like you to get up at 5 and go to the gym! How do you know? You did it just yesterday!

Now, it IS just like you to read a book in a week. How do you know? You did it just last week!

Now, it IS just like you to speak in front of the business meetings. How do you know? You did it just last Monday.

So, I invite you to look and see:

What is one good behavior that you would like to make a habit?

What is it going to take for you to go out and do it just once?

The first step is to do it just that once. A huge hurdle has been overcome: Now, it IS JUST LIKE YOU.

Of course, the second step is to do it again… but, let’s worry about that when we come to it.

Love it UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl


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