Fill the emotional gap and you are unstoppable!

Emotional SellingEvery real estate professional knows that a property is much more likely to sell if it is “staged” – all set up with sofas, pictures, flowers, accessories – like someone really cool already lives there. Somebody THEY want to be.

It makes their buyer RELATE emotionally to the house.

You can do the exact same thing! In every presentation, meeting, proposal, bring the magic of “THIS is who you want to be”.

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Are you selling to a brand manager? Highlight the really cool brands you work with.

Selling to a top executive who is also a mom? Be the consummate pro – and make sure the desktop on your computer has pictures of your kids, or nieces, or grandkids.

Selling to a couple who is about to retire and trust all of their investment portfolio to you? Inspire confidence and cool, solid, style in every interaction.

When you get in THEIR world, they will step more easily into yours.

This will take a little bit of work. It will require that you understand what the “feeling” of using your product could invoke in your customer.  A feeling they want, but may not have right now.

Do they want to be more hip? More organized? More in control? More uninhibited? More savvy? Admired by their supervisor?

Then, make sure that you, your presentation, your follow-up style, and follow-up items convey that your prospect can close that emotional gap they are looking to fill.

It has often been said that a person buys based on feeling and justifies the purchase based on reasons (like facts or figures or results).

Don’t forget to include the feeling. If your product delivers the results you are home free!

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Love ’em ALL UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl


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